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Practical information

In 2020 Linda Verschuren Empowering people will also be affiliated with the Professional Association CAT, RBCZ, Gat disputes and Disciplinary Law Complementary Care.


As of August 1, 2020, I use the following rates for Naturopathic consultations:


Introductory meeting 20 minutes Free

Consult 60 minutes E 95.00

Consult 90 minutes E 130.00

Consultation on location E 40.00 extra per hour for the chosen session for travel time and E 0.19 per km travel costs

A consultation can take place in my practice or on location, by telephone or online.

A consultation / facilitation in combination with a treatment is from 90 minutes.



Access Bars ™ Consult 90 min. E 130.00


Access Body ™ Consult 60 min. E 95.00

Access Body ™ Consult 90 min. E 130.00


Access SOP ™ session 30 min. E 130.00


Access Bars ™ course E 300.00

Access The Foundation ™ course E 1400.00 (E700.00 repeating and 16/17 year olds)


Business & Money Consult 30 min. E 100.00

Business & Money Consult 60 min. E 2 00.00

Business Inhouse process Price on request


Access Business & Money Class E 373.00

Business Done Different Masterclass E 1800.00 (E1260.00 for repetition and 16/17 year olds)



All Access Consciousness ™ courses are internationally established and the same everywhere in the Netherlands. When the course is repeated, 50% of the price applies. Children up to and including 16 years are free.


Other Activities See Agenda for prices


See also: General Terms and Conditions for more information about payment and cancellation.

E     95,00

E   130,00

E     40,00  per uur extra bij de gekozen sessie voor reistijd en E 0,19 per km aan reiskosten

E     130,00

E       95,00

E     130,00 


E      330,00

E      300,00 

E    1400,00 

E      700,00

E      100,00

E      200,00

Prijs op aanvraag

E      373,00

E    1800,00

E    1260,00


Many health insurers reimburse the Naturopathic appointments with Linda Verschuren Empowering People. Please do not hesitate to contact me about this. This is covered by Alternative Medicine and is reimbursed from your Supplementary Care Package. You can check your policy conditions for this. When you check with your health insurer, they can ask for the following information:

Professional association CAT: level 5 therapist CM1211-05-03-18

AGB codes: Healthcare provider 90105231 / Practice 90064506

RBCZ license number: 180642R


The empowering people performance codes assigned by the CAT are:

24001 Treatment Phytotherapy

Herbal medicine, also known as phytotherapy ('treatment with plants'), is the treatment of health complaints and diseases with plant remedies. Herbal remedies used in herbal medicine are called herbal remedies or phytotherapeutics.


24005 Treatment Other Naturopathy

The treatment form and performance code “Other naturopathy” applies if the therapist works eclectically and holistically according to the guidelines of the CAT competence profile. It is a collective name for naturopathic treatments that do not fall under the other treatment forms mentioned. Many naturopathic treatments have been named and have their own performance code.


24012 Treatment Energetic therapy

In energetic therapy, the therapist tunes in to the client's energy to identify disturbances in energy flows or vibrational frequencies of organs. This can be done with measuring equipment or by feeling. The intention is that the self-healing capacity of the body will start again, as soon as the blockages have been removed and the energy flows freely again.


For more information, go to:


In some cases, an employer may be willing to pay for the help you need.




GAT Disputes Committee


As a CAT therapist, I fall under the Wkkgz complaint right with the Dispute Body Alternative Therapists (GAT). GAT is a nationally recognized and fully independent Wkkgz disputes committee. For more information about my complaints procedure, see:












Complaints procedure course:


  1. Complaints procedure Courses

  2. As a Trainer I value your satisfaction and I like to be open to continuous improvements of myself as a course leader and the courses I teach.

  3. I will therefore ask for oral feedback in between and at the end of the course day. I can then take this input with me as soon as possible on the day itself or in the case of a multi-day course on the next course day. In this way I hope that you can complete the course completely satisfied. I therefore give a Satisfaction Guarantee; if you are dissatisfied and you have indicated this before the lunch break of the first day of the course and we cannot find a solution, you can stop and you will receive your full course fee. You must hand in the course material when leaving the course. Expenses incurred do not apply under the return policy.

  4. If the participant has a complaint, the participant must come to the trainer as soon as possible, but no later than 7 days after the incident to which the complaint relates, so that it can be looked at together in the first instance. If we cannot reach a solution verbally, the complaint must be made known to Linda Verschuren by email ( You will receive a confirmation of receipt within 3 working days and we will try to find a solution within 4 weeks. If it does not work within this period, you will be informed in time within which period. An incoming complaint will be treated confidentially at all times.

  5. If we cannot reach a solution together, I will refer you to my independent third party: Max Niesen, Director of Herboristen Training De Sprenk, De Mortel.

  6. The decision of the independent third party is binding on both parties.

  7. If the participant who submitted the complaint is still dissatisfied, it is still free to go to court.

  8. Complaints are kept for 3 years in the appropriate complaint file.

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